Why are the Life of Fred books so inexpensive?


     Most algebra books are more than twice as expensive as Fred (544 pages and we pay the postage).

     Most two-year college calculus books are more than three times as expensive as Fred (592 pages and we pay the postage).


     The Life of Fred series has more mathematics in it than any other home schooling math curriculum that we know of.  It's more fun.  Why so cheap?

     There is a real drawback to you, my readers, in pricing this curriculum so far below the competition.  You may be tempted to think that Fred is light weight.
     You may think that these are paperbacks (they aren't).  That they are one-time use workbooks (they aren't).  You may think that the topics are just skimmed over (they aren't). 


     I wrote these books with two goals in mind: (1) to teach a lot of mathematics and (2) to instill in my readers a love of math. 

     My goal wasn't to make a buck.   



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